New Baby Essentials | Espresso and Cream

2022-09-10 04:03:17 By : yu zhou

In Family by Madison Mayberry March 14, 2022 Leave a Comment

With baby on the way and the countdown on, I’ve been thinking about what products are the must-have items in my world. This fourth time around I’ve found myself focused only on the items I can’t live without rather than a lot of fluffy “extras.” While this list will probably vary from mom to mom, these are the products I would consider the best of the best when welcoming a new little one into your family. As a rule of thumb, I tend to follow the saying, “Go in the way you which to continue.” Meaning I prefer to opt out of fluffy extra things like bottle warmers, wipe warmers, expensive sleeping contraptions (I’m looking at you, Snoo) that you can’t take with you when traveling. I don’t even use or enjoy a fancy baby video monitor because I find it causes me more stress to see every little movement baby makes and instead prefer a simple sound-only monitor. We also always put our babies in their own room in a crib from day 1 – a tip passed along to me from my sister in law when I was a new mom – which helps me sleep better and gets baby used to crib from the start.

So with that said, here are my favorite new baby products!

Halo Velcro Swaddle I don’t want to know how much money I’ve spent on swaddles over the years! And the most embarrassing part is that the swaddle my babies have loved most was the free swaddle I got in the hospital when Ainsley was born – the Halo Velcro Microfleece Swaddle. I love the security of the secure velcro (knowing it won’t come undone during the night) and our babies have all loved this swaddle as well!

MAM Original Pacifiers I had two girls who didn’t take a paci much at all, but a friend turned me on to these pacis when Truett was young and they were such a hit. While I know there are a LOT of fancy paci options on the market, I prefer a paci that’s easy to buy at Target or Walmart (because heavens knows if your child loses a favorite paci or needs one on a trip, it’s nice to be able to grab one quickly/easily) and these are readily available most places.

Keekaroo Peanut Changing Pad Thankful I had the smarts to purchase this the first go-around with Ainsley. It’s such a wonderful baby product! No cloth changing pads to get dirty or clean – just an easy to use changing pad that wipes down easily and is easy to sanitize.

Snuggle Me Organic Newborn Lounger Not something we use for overnight or unsupervised sleep, but something we love having around for those sleepy newborn days when baby is napping most of the day. I set it up during the day in our living room in a space that gets plenty of sunlight so baby can nap in the daytime while our other kiddos play. I like getting my babies exposed to sunlight right away to help prevent them from having their days and nights mixed up.

Elvie Wearable Breast Pump I haven’t technically used this yet, but I had another wearable pump postpartum with Truett and it was worth every penny. It doesn’t take the place of a regular pump, IMO, if you’re pumping exclusively, but with other kids around, travel, etc. It’s amazing to be able to pump and move about the house hands-free. It also makes pumping on, say, a plane or in the car much easier!

Lectrofan White Noise Machine Love this white noise machine for baby! It’s always been our go-to for babies when they are little to promote restful sleep.

Solly Baby Wrap My go-to carrier for newborn babies in those early months. When you have other kids, it’s nearly impossible to get anything done without it! I love that baby can be strapped in close to me to sleep while I do things with our other kids. It can also double as a baby blanket in a pinch or a nursing cover.

Ergo 360 Carrier Another one of those investment products but something that will last you for many many kids. We have had this since Ainsley was little and it’s so wonderful. It has more support than the Solly and has a longer use time than the Solly as well – great for bigger babies and younger toddlers. We’ve used it so much over the years and it’s incredibly comfortable to wear.

OTHER ESSENTIALS *A safe crib + crib mattress (preferably a non toxic mattress; we just got a Newton mattress for this baby) *A pack and play (for travel and being on the go. We don’t have anything fancy in this category, though I know there are a lot of options these days!) *Non-toxic diapers and wipes

IMPORTANT PSA One thing I hate seeing mommas do is rush out to buy the “baby care” products they think are necessary for baby – including Johnson and Johnson Baby Wash, Baby Powder, Dreft Baby Laundry Detergent, Baby Magic Baby Wash, etc. Most everything I just mentioned – and more – comes with a load of toxic chemicals and skin irritants that aren’t necessary nor healthy for babies. PLEASE don’t fall prey to marketing that makes it seem like those items are good or safe for baby and instead make clean choices for what you put on baby’s small body and delicate skin. If you need a few ideas of where to start,’s Skin Deep Database is a great starting spot for comparing products and seeing how they rate in terms of safety. Some of my favorite brands for babies and kids include:

*Everyone 3-in-1 Kids Soap *Beautycounter’s Balm for All (just pass on the Aquaphor and use this instead!) *Hello Bello Shampoo + Body Wash *Tubby Todd Products (I haven’t personally used these but have friends who love their products!) *Pipette Products (these are all EWG verified – I just snagged their diaper cream since I’m running low!) *Primally Pure Baby Powder

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